i am looking for any help finding my roots i know all my life my grandmother and my mom told us we were native american ,some of my family lines are as follows
my family seemed to travel with each other from virginia and north and south carolina through georgia into kentucky alabama tennessee and mississippi and texas if anyone can help with these surnames please let me know i am at a loss as to how to get the info i need to enroll i have a cousin who found his link to enroll through his grandmother emma pearl robinson and help wopuld be appreciated so very much thank you .
brian wagnon says
Who are you Willis relatives? I have Willis’ in my line that were Cherokee. The place to start is to figure out who among your reported Cherokee relatives was alive around 1900. Then go here and search their names. http://www.okhistory.org/research/dawes This will give you their enrollment information if they are found. If you want to email me at brian-wagnon@cherokee.org I can try to help you out with the search.
peggyanna says
What are your Willuams’ connections…….mine are Willuams from Macon Co. North Carolina
tay397 says
leave me your e-mail and i can send an invite to my tree on ancestory.com to many willis and williams to mention them all or contact me on facebook under teresa ann holley in missouri thanks
tay397 says
avis willis and lucretia willis are just a couple mary jane williams odom is another just way to many to list them all also stuck on john lambert and nancy carpenter lambert my 4th great grandparents