While reviewing my ancestry on ancestry.com, I uncovered a link that I was unaware of and hoping to find out more about. A Great Grand-father of mine is James Madison Howard, born in Cherokee Nation, Wilkes, Georgia, 26 January 1767
His mother is listed as Lettica Durham or Hacket Grey, born 13 Sept 1744 in Wilkes county, Cherokee Territory, Georgia
Her father is listed as Samuel Durham, born 14 Sept 1702 in Green, GA, whom was married to Aniwodi Wurtea Tawnee Eliza Moytoy born 1720, Cherokee Nation, Wilkes, American Colonies, GA.
She was the daughter of Chief Shyuka Wauhatchie Glass Moytoy, born in Keowee, Cherokee Nation
His wife was A-Nu-We-Gi Moytoy, aka Laughing Eyes, 1690-1742.
I am looking to verify this information and validate my connection to this lineage. All knowledge of this is lost on my current, living, relatives and we would love to know any and all information you could help to uncover.
Thank you for your time.
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