Many will laugh at this, but numerous family members have repeatedly told me that we are related to a former Cherokee chief. But there has been some “weirdness” in the family about not wanting to talk about the “Indian Lineage”, with numerous members of the family trying to “pass for white”, & what-not… tho there may also be some other reasons I am not aware of, so somehow the NAME of this former chief was never passed on to me… Yes, very strange, I know, but other little details were passed down, such as, the family once held a large swath of “Treaty Land”, which was given to this former “Chief”, & the family was once quite wealthy, once owned a large plantation in the South somewhere, but, as of last telling, the family’s wealth was all lost, & all but 1 acre of the original Treaty Land had been sold off, which was in the hands of a great great aunt, along with a run down old house, last I heard. I dont even know the location of this former land, but likely it was in the S.E., possibly Alabama or Georgia, since those are the areas most of the relevant family members come from. Most everyone who gave me this info has passed on now, without me being able to fill in all the blanks, & I am left with the still unsolved mystery of who this “Chief” was, that I am supposed to be related to? I have not found any definite links to the surnames Isdell or Heaton, thus far, but still searching… Closest I’ve come, is finding an “Isbell” on the Rolls, but couldn’t verify any definite family ties to that particular person. Its looking like Isdell is actually a mutation of the original English surname of Isbell. Ive also heard that when the U.S. govt starting its census on Native Americans, many were given or adopted English surnames, so I’m thinking maybe thats how the name Isdell became connected with my family? I’m also wondering if the family tradition of “secrecy” on this issue, might be due to the “Chief” we are allegedly related to, perhaps being 1 of those who signed the unpopular treaty or treaties which led to the Removal of the Cherokees? As I’ve heard some land allotments were given to some of the Chiefs who signed these. Which would perhaps explain the family’s reluctance to discuss it or name any names, since that did create a lot of bad blood? But in any case, I dont think a person should have to go thru life not knowing who their ancestors are. I was also told my great great Grandma’s name was Sula Heaton, & some of the relatives used to live on a rez somewhere, & some married into an Irish family, hence, the surname Heaton. But Isdell is the name that is supposed to be in some way connected to the Chief. Anyway, have struck out so far, but still hoping to find someone who can help me sort this out…
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Or, another possibility is that this is a jumble of family lore. But, you are right about this:
“I dont think a person should have to go thru life not knowing who their ancestors are.”
This is precisely why you should pursue this using standard genealogical methodology.
You start with yourself and move back through the generations, establishing the links with firm documentation. This query has absolutely nothing to start with. The only same you provided is a “Sula Heaton.” And you don’t know if this is a maiden name or married. There is also no effort to narrow down lines of descent or locations. In other words, what family lines passed down these stories or claims? Are you expecting to go looking for every single one of your 4G or 5G grandparents looking for the source? That is a monumental task, and is more than anyone could provide you (for free) on these kinds of genealogy boards.
So, you need to get specific. If your GG grandmother’s identity is a bit vague, then post the names and the info for the ancestors that you do know about. That will give researchers a starting point. But, again, you have to narrow it down to a particular lineage, it can’t just be this mysterious chief back there in the family tree “somewhere.” This query needs to be reworked quite a bit for an effective response.
Hi I’m David
My grandmother name is Sally Heaton she is full blooded Cherokee if you would like to chat my email is pleased to chat anytime