I am researching my 5th great grandmother, Martha Whiting, who appears on the Drennen Roll family 605 in Talequah with Nancy Holmes, whom I believe was her sister.
Martha was married to Adam Poole Vandiver and her alleged heritage is Cherokee, although I do not have any clue who her legitimate parents were. I have seen Wurteh Watts and Grey Eagle but don’t have a clue.
I wanted to know if Martha Whiting was on the Dawes, I don’t believe she is, but just wondered what happened to her after the Trail of Tears! Thanks so much in advance!
You’ve got lineages jumbled up or confused here. There seems to be quite a lot of claims online about this Adam Poole Vandiver and a Cherokee wife. So, it’s hard to straighten things out. But, in this case, let’s start with this particular Martha Whiting listed on Drennen. She was born about 1836 and was named by missionaries that raised her. She married a Richard Ketcher about 1861 or so. So, she was enumerated on Drennen as a young woman in Tahlequah district. These were full blood families that was part of the removal. She has nothing to do with any Adam Poole Vandiver.
My great-great grandmother is Matilda Catherine , born 1838 died 1921. Matilda’s mother (my great-great-great grandmother) is Martha Gulle “The Dove” Whiting born September 26, 1794 and died August 6, 1870. Martha was a full blooded Cherokee Indian who married Adam Poole Vandiver Jan 1, 1810. Her father is Willenawah Chief Great Eagle and her mother is listed as Sister Tassel of the Cherokee Nation 1736-1825. I also saw where Martha and Nancy are listed on the Drennan Roll but I have been unable to find her on the Dawe’s. I can find Martha having only one full brother, Willenawah Chief Grey Eagle 1773-1836. Martha and her brother were childhood playmates with Adam Vandiver in the Tallulah Falls Gorge area.