If you’ve visited the All Things Cherokee Query Boards before, then you know that the old boards were made up of static pages which listed all of the queries posted in a given month and visitors could only contact the original query posters by emailing them. This was a very limiting system for posting queries
Genealogy Queries for "genealogy-2"
I Know I’m Cherokee, But How Do I Prove It?
It is one thing to know you have Cherokee ancestry, but it is quite another to prove Cherokee heritage. Unfortunately there were very few records kept of the Cherokee people prior to their relationship with the United States, and even then the records were hardly complete. As a result, finding proof of Cherokee heritage is
Blood Quantum – Why It Matters, and Why It Shouldn’t
You’re an Indian? What part? That’s the universal question many mixed-blood American Indians are asked every day. How many times have you mentioned in passing that you are Cherokee to find your conversation interrupted by intrusive questions about percentage? How many times have you answered those questions? Well stop! That’s right — stop answering rude
Genealogy Vs. Genetics
“How can I get my blood tested to prove that I am a Cherokee?” This is one of the most commonly asked questions on this site. Unfortunately, the simple answer to this question is, “You can’t.” It’s true that there is a “Native American” genetic markers which can be found using both the Mitochondrial and
Cherokee Tribal Enrollment FAQ
At least once a week I receive a question about how to prove Cherokee ancestry or join the tribe. Joining the tribe is a common goal among Cherokee genealogy hobbyists. But did you know that there are actually three federally-recognized Cherokee tribes? These tribes are the Cherokee Nation, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, and